Posts by Jito Foundation

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We are thrilled to announce an expanded partnership between Jito and the Phantom wallet, bringing you even easier ways to manage your staking on Solana. With this comprehensive integration, you can now convert both your SOL holdings and natively staked SOL to JitoSOL directly within the Phantom wallet. Why Convert to JitoSOL? JitoSOL offers higher returns by combining staking and MEV rewards. By converting your SOL or staked SOL to JitoSOL, you are ensuring your assets work harder for you. Tw
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Introduction Liquidity provision (LP) is a way to earn yield on your assets while supporting market health. This article will summarize liquidity, how LPing works, risks, and different strategies you can implement based on portfolio goals. What is liquidity? Liquidity is the lubricant which makes markets work smoothly. In terms of trading, liquidity refers to how easily an asset can be bought or sold. If a market has high liquidity it means there are a lot of participants/capital, if a marke
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The practices of borrowing and lending have been around since the inception of financial markets, enabling market participants to lend capital to those who may need to borrow it in exchange for a premium known as interest. However, over the course of time, financial services have become largely inaccessible for many people across the globe as TradFi service providers imposed requirements, i.e., credit score, proof of income, etc, which pose critical barriers to entry for many. This gave rise to
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Introduction Decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols are blockchain-native applications that enable anyone with a self-custodial wallet to access various financial services through digital assets, including trading, staking, borrowing, and lending in a permissionless environment. Though each blockchain hosts its own native ecosystem, the diversity of applications in crypto had been stagnant for some time as teams would either deploy the same product across different blockchains or simply fork ex
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Introduction What if MEV could help the average blockchain user, rather than hurt? In August 2020, Paradigm Head of Research Dan Robinson penned an industry-defining blog post describing his high-stakes race to help a hapless Uniswap user recover funds they had erroneously sent to a contract address on Ethereum — a post that has permanently colored the tone of discourse around the then-murky and poorly-understood field of maximal extractible value (MEV).  In it, he describes how he worked wit
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We are excited to announce the release of the updated user interface for StakeNet. This enhancement builds on our initial launch, bringing even more features and capabilities to our users. Background on StakeNet StakeNet is a self-sustaining and decentralized protocol that ensures liquid staking pools can operate transparently, intelligently, and indefinitely. It features two primary components: the Validator History Program and the Steward Program. The Validator History Program provides a tr
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In this article, we explore what yield farming is, different opportunities on Solana today, and the important risks and considerations involved.  What is Yield Farming?  Yield farming is an ROI-optimizing strategy which can be carried out across one or more blockchain-native applications. Originally coined in the heat of DeFi Summer and the 2020-2021 crypto bull run, “yield farming” has become an umbrella term for blockchain-native financial strategies that seek to capture profits from variou
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Introduction  Solana, which we call home, is a high-performance Layer 1 blockchain that uses Proof-of-Stake (PoS) to determine who gets to validate incoming transactions and produce new blocks. Entities must lock up native SOL tokens in order to be eligible to participate in the economic security of the network and earn more SOL for doing so. However, the role of staking services on Solana has continued to evolve and expand in ways that further benefit stakers and the broader Solana ecosystem
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Introduction  As TVL continues to climb and DEX volumes continue to reach new all-time highs, many people have found themselves looking to get onboarded to Solana. Brand-new crypto users and natives alike are drawn to the performance and low-costs on Solana, and with numerous bluechip DeFi and NFT protocols, an abundant memecoin market, numerous DePIN projects using Solana, there are many reasons you may want to get started using Solana today. Step 1: Set Up Your Wallet  The first step t
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What is Solana?  Solana is a high-performance Layer 1 blockchain optimized for user experience, delivering fast execution speeds and low transaction costs. Today, Solana delivers 400ms block times, upwards of 2000 transactions-per-second (TPS), sub-cent transaction costs, and is home to over 120 unique applications.  Formerly known as Loom Network, Solana’s origins can be traced back to 2017, when founder Anatoly Yakovenko published his Proof-of-History whitepaper, proposing a new methodology
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Solana's Ecosystem Revolutions are led by the youth.  Solana currently sits as one of the most active blockchain development communities, despite the fact that the chain is years younger than the rest of its cohort in the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. Perhaps in part because of its nascent status, the chain has emerged as a home of innovation and opportunity for blockchain developers worldwide.  But in a crowded market for smart contract platforms, what makes Solana spec
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The Jito Foundation is pleased to announce the selection of 17 delegates to receive a cumulative 12 million in JTO token voting power from Jito Foundation wallets. The token delegations will be issued later today.  The selections come after a public Call for Delegates on January 24th. The Foundation was thrilled and honored with the response, which included applications from several top crypto companies, service providers, node operators, and development teams. The Jito Foundation was also plea
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What are Liquid Staking Tokens (LSTs)? Liquid staking is an advanced version of staking. It allows you to stake your tokens and, in return, receive a receipt token representing the staked token plus the rights to any staking rewards. This synthetic token is liquid, meaning it can be traded, used in DeFi protocols, or simply held in your wallet while you continue to earn staking rewards. JitoSOL: A Reward-Bearing LST JitoSOL is a reward-bearing LST that maintains a constant quantity in your w
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The Jito Foundation is issuing a public call for delegates!  Individuals, institutions, and entities invested in guiding the future of the Jito Network should follow the questionnaire guidelines below. Meanwhile, current JTO tokenholders are encouraged to consider allocating their voting power to prospective delegates.  In addition to the open call for further community engagement, the Jito Foundation will be delegating 5 million JTO voting power sourced from the Jito Foundation’s funds among
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On January 10 2024 at 22:20:39 UTC, 5qYuZ9ZLShLB1MuV83xHRcTgVA9A5pUajnQUUcPbk3bf (zer0xtrading.sol) made an extremely costly mistake that transferred millions of dollars from their hands into the hands of arb bots, Jito validators, and their stakers. In one transaction, they swapped 86,739.1 SOL, worth approximately $8.6M USD, for 17,225,407.03 of $WIF, a popular memecoin on Solana. Unfortunately for them, liquidity was low. During their swap, they took most on-chain liquidity, moving the price